Brandon Borzelli’s Geek Goggle Reviews

Green lantern new Guardians #1
DC Comics
Bedard, Kirkham & Batt

The first issue of green Lantern: new Guardians represents the worst of the reboot/re-launch as it manages to both hinder a new reader’s experience and annoy the long-time reader simultaneously. The artwork is very nice as the comic book provides a wide array of characters but the contents include a seven page origin story and a bunch of characters losing their rings and then converging on the character that had his origin told. There simply is no plot, no story and no definition to the book. Unless this book finds its place quickly it will simply be for the completists out there.
The gripe you might expect to have is that the green lantern line is stretched too thin with a Red lantern book, a GL Corps book and a solo title. One could point out that four books are plausible because the green lantern universe is so large with characters. However, either side of the argument is difficult to side with because the focus of this book just isn’t made clear. It seems to be about Guardians and not about one specific character but the contents seem to be to the contrary.

The book is completely Kyle Rayner specific. The issue spends seven pages retelling and drawing out this origin. Kyle gets the last ring from the last Guardian. then the circle gets completed in the second half of the issue when Kyle gets one ring from each of the colored corps and a representative from each comes calling for the rings and Rayner.

The guess here is that a new Guardian corps is born out of all of this but it seems like it would just be easier to make this a Kyle Rayner solo book because not one of the other characters is introduced except Fatality. As a number one marketed towards new readers this book fails to a) explain what the book is about, b) introduce the characters and c) provide a plot. This read like a preview or free comic book day book. I can’t imagine a new reader wanting to see more of something that doesn’t even explain what the other rings are.

For long term readers this issue is equally bad. seven pages completely wasted on Kyle’s origin is totally drawn out. If the origin isn’t going to include how or why the entire Corps and Guardians were wiped out then Kyle’s origin consists of “lucking out into a ring when he stepped into an alley behind a bar”. For an established reader it is essential that this book grabs the reader’s interest and brings an identity to the book that differs from the other GL books. However, I read this and couldn’t figure out why I would want to continue reading about un-named characters when I have two other more clearly defined green lantern books.

The artwork follows the green lantern standard we’ve seen in multiple books for many years now. There is detailed line work with bright colors and grand panels and/or splash pages. The visuals definitely bring out the action and fun in this book. It is the true highlight of the comic.

As a long time green lantern fan (specifically a Kyle Rayner one) I found this issue to miss on all accounts. If it were just a number one aimed at new readers I would be able to relate and hang with it. However, when looking at the book through new reader’s eyes you have so many missteps. The book doesn’t even establish that the first pages are set in the past. The comic book is ugly on many levels. I needed to walk away understanding the need for this book and I didn’t get that at all. this one is can be skipped.

1 out of 5 Geek Goggles

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